- Does embryo categorization by existing artificial intelligence, morphokinetic or morphological embryo selection models correlate with blastocyst euploidy rates?
Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 38(3):387-399, 2023
Kato K, Ueno S, Berntsen J, Kragh F M, Okimura T and Kuroda T
- ASPIRE Guidelines for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Laboratory Practice in Low and Medium Resource Settings
Latif Khan H, Boothroyd C, Chang T. A, Novero V, Chan D. Y. L, Chen C. H, Chung M. K, Ezoe K8, Liow S, Malhotra K, Mantravadi K, Morbeck D, Tuan L. A, Vichinsartvichai P, Nisar R and Sardar S
8. Kato Ladies Clinic
- Comparison of 1‑year cumulative live birth and perinatal outcomes following single blastocyst transfer with or without preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy: a propensity score‑matched study
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 40(11):2669-2680, 2023
Kato K1, Ezoe K1, Onogi S1, Ito S1, Egawa R1, Aoyama N1, Kuroda T1, Kuwahara A, Iwasa T, Takeshita T and Irahara M
1. Kato Ladies Clinic
- Comparing performance between clinics of an embryo evaluation algorithm based on time‑lapse images and machine learning
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 40(11):2669-2680, 2023
Johansen MN, Parner ET, Kragh MF, Kato K5, Ueno S5, Palm S, Kernbach M, Balaban B, Keleş İ, Gabrielsen AV, Iversen LH and Berntsen J
5. Kato Ladies Clinic
- Assisted reproductive technology in Japan: A summary report for 2020 by the ethics Committee of the Japan Society of obstetrics and gynecology
Reproductive Medicine and Biology, 21(1): e12439, 2022
Katagiri Y, Jwa SC, Kuwahara A, Iwasa T, Ono M, Kato K5, Kishi H, Kuwabara Y, Harada M, Hamatani T and Osuga Y
5. Kato Ladies Clinic
- Post‑warming culture of human vitrified blastocysts with prolactin improves trophoblast outgrowth
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 21(1):6, 2023
Ezoe K, Fujiwara N, Miki T and Kato K
- Maternal age affects pronuclear and chromatin dynamics, morula compaction and cell polarity, and blastulation of human embryos
Human Reproduction, 38(3): 387-99, 2023
Ezoe K, Miki T, Akaike H, Shimazaki K, Takahashi T, Tanimura Y, Amagai A, Sawado A, Mogi M, Kaneko S, Ueno S, Coticchio G, Cimadomo D, Borini A, Rienzi L and Kato K
- Association between endometrial thickness before ovulation, live birth, and placenta previa rates in clomiphene citrate-treated cycles
AJOG Global Reports, 3(1):100161, 2023
Nishii S, Ezoe K, Nishihara S, Onogi S, Takeshima K, Karakida S, Fukuda J and Kato K
- Prevalence of chronic endometritis in patients with infertility due to hydrosalpinx or pelvic peritubal adhesions and effect of laparoscopic surgical correction on pregnancy rates post in vitro fertilization
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 284: 143-9, 2023
Osada H, Seto M, Nakase K3, Ezoe K4, Miyauchi O, Fujita H6, Miyakawa Y, Nagaishi M, Kato K9, Teramoto S and Shozu M
3, 4, 6, 9. Kato Ladies Clinic
- Fatty acid supplementation into warming solutions improves pregnancy outcomes after single vitrified-warmed cleavage stage embryo transfers
Reproductive Medicine and Biology, 22(1): e12517, 2023
Amagai A, Ezoe K, Miki T, Shimazaki K, Okimura T and Kato K
- The destinies of human embryos reaching blastocyst stage between Day 4 and Day 7 diverge as early as fertilization
Human Reproduction, 38(3): 387-99, 2023
Coticchio G, Ezoe K2, Lagalla Cristina, Zacà Carlotta, Borini A and Kato K2
2. Kato Ladies Clinic
- ART妊娠症例における出生前遺伝学的検査の受検状況と関連因子に関する検討
東京産科婦人科学会会誌 第72巻2号. 158-165
田中慧、張士青、倪 暁文、福田 淳一郎、小林保、加藤恵一、黒田知子
- 低刺激周期を基本方針とするART施設の臨床成績 -2020年全国統計との比較からみえた当院のCOVID-19への対応と影響-
産婦人科の実際 Vol.72, No.11, 2023 金原出版
- エンブリオロジストのためのART標準実技ラボマニュアルWeb動画付 医歯薬出版
- Physiological, hyaluronan-selected intracytoplasmic sperm injection (HA-ICSI)について教えてください
はじめての精子学 中外医学社
- 着床前胚染色体異数性検査(PGT-A)の生殖医療に対する貢献と問題点
FUJI Infertility Menopause News Vol.28
- 胚の評価とAI
FUJI Infertility Menopause News Vol.31
- Natural Cycle and Minimal Stimulation IVF: From Physiology to Clinical Practice
Part V Children’s Health
28 Japan-Kato Ladies Clinic
Kato K and Ueno S
Part VIII Case Discussions
- 29 Andrological Infertility – Case Discussion and IVF Treatments Suggested by Different Centres
Wolf M and Kato K
- 30 Idiopathic Infertility – Case Discussion and IVF Treatments Suggested by Different Centres
Wolf M and Kato K
- 31 Increased Age – Case Discussion and IVF Treatments Suggested by Different Centres
Wolf M and Kato K
- 32 Low Ovarian Reserve – Case Discussion and IVF Treatments Suggested by Different Centres
Wolf M and Kato K
- 33 Endometriosis – Case Discussion and IVF Treatments Suggested by Different Centres
Wolf M and Kato K